Down HP LaserJet P2055d inkjet printer installer for Windows.
In case you run into troubles when installing a HP LaserJet P2055d printing device, or when you’ve added in a printing device however you are can’t to print, or you want setting HP LaserJet P2055d Printer Without Disc, or you installing new operating system and your HP LaserJet P2055d can’t printing, lost driver program. You might must to add or update the HP LaserJet P2055d inkjet printer driver program so that it is compatible with the version of Windows you’re running.
Drivers & Software for HP LaserJet P2055d
Please follow the information following to down load and set up the HP driver.
You need to choose the HP driver program Compatibility with your Windows then select ‘Download‘ to start up down HP LaserJet P2055d driver software and save on your pc.
HP LaserJet P2055d version and release details
Type: Driver
Driver version: (3 Jun 2010)
Operating System(s): Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows XP x64, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Vista (64-bit), Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit), Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit), Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit), Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit), Microsoft Windows Server 2012
File printer driver name: P2055_default_install_v6.1_ww.exe
Download (http://ftp.hp.com/pub/softlib/software11/COL33807/lj-84320-1/P2055_default_install_v6.1_ww.exe)
Size of file :45.03 Mb
HP LaserJet P2055, P2055d, P2055dn, P2055x
Model Numbers : CE456A, CE457A, CE459A, CE460A
Driver version: 9.5.0
Relase Date :1 Apr 2010
Operating System : Mac OS X
Macintosh OS X v 10.3.9
Macintosh OS X v 10.4.x PPC
Macintosh OS X v 10.4.x Intel
Macintosh OS X v 10.5.x PPC
Macintosh OS X v 10.5.x Intel
File printer driver name: HP_LaserJet_P2055.dmg
Size of file : 141 MB
HP LaserJet Firmware Update Utility
Driver version: 20120615(13 Jul 2012)
Operating System(s): Mac OS X , Mac OS X 10.5 , Mac OS X 10.6 , Mac OS X 10.7
File printer driver name: ljp2055_FW_Update_20120615_v1_10.dmg
Size of file : 11Mb